5 business imperatives going into 2025
What will 2025 hold for you? As business owners we want to increase revenue (and personal wealth) while reducing expenses[...]
And the fat bear winner is…
I recently heard about Alaska’s Fat Bear competition – where people voted on the best prepared (read “fat”) bear preparing[...]
What you tolerating?
What the standard you walk past? As a leader what will and will you not tolerate? These questions have a[...]
Could swimming improve your sales performance?
I’ve just started swimming again. Or should I say, attempting to . The last time I was in a pool[...]
Walk a mile in their shoes…
I believe one of the most important attributes we can have is empathy and compassion. Especially in sales dealing with[...]
Who’s driving your bus?
As a business leader, one of your most important tasks is to be strategic and lead. You are the one[...]
Moving up the value chain
Why do your clients work with you? When was the last time you asked yourself how you create value for[...]
What makes for sales effectiveness?
What do you believe makes a really effective salesperson? On a continuum, is it someone with deep product knowledge at[...]
How to ensure the right person is in the right role
This video is part of a business advice series focusing on leadership and strategy. It comes out of recent conversations[...]
Security – Opportunity – Prosperity
I'd like to talk about the relationship between security opportunity and prosperity and the chasm of possibilities this opens up.
Clean meetings…
Trust is a key ingredient in business. It takes time to build up and can be destroyed in an instant.[...]
What’s their agenda?
One of the biggest traps in B2B sales is not taking into account the personal agendas of every stakeholder involved[...]
Short term thinking
Ever had a salesperson obviously lose interest if they believe you’re not ready to buy? That’s incredibly short term thinking[...]
Do you embody these 7 Success traits?
I’m Rashid Kotwal. In almost two decades consulting to business owners I’ve come to realise all successful business owners and[...]
What does your “soup” communicate?
I’m sure you’ve heard of the “Golden Rule” Treat people the way you want to be treated. It’s a great[...]
Trapped in a cycle of frustration?
Sales is the lifeblood of business. Your goal as a leader is to take charge, Lead Your Business to maximise[...]
Why Stories Sell
Ever met a truly great persuader? The quintessential, “Could sell ice to Eskimos”. They all tell stories knowing we primarily[...]
How to leverage your sales efforts…
Successful businesses all undertake three distinct, intermeshed activities for consistently acquiring clients. Marketing, prospecting and selling. Let’s start with[...]
Sales bedside manner…
Does bedside manner matter in sales? This might seem like a question more suited to your doctor, so bear with[...]
The elephant in sales
Let’s talk about the elephant in every sales situation. It’s something felt by every one of us to some degree. [...]
Dissolving sales tension
I’ve been thinking a lot about the natural tension between buyers and sellers. Buyers are worried about and thinking[...]
Ever been talked out of a sale?
Have you ever been talked out of a sale? Or even worse talked a prospect out of one? This story[...]
Why your solution doesn’t matter…
Do you intimately understand the problems your clients actually care about? The ones they would happily pay money[...]
Playing to your strengths
Are your sales people playing to their strengths? Or have you shoehorned people into roles they’re really not suited[...]
For the want of a nail…
I’m sure you’ve heard the proverb, “For the want of a nail the kingdom was lost”. I’m going to use[...]
Can I sell you a drill?
I’m sure you’ve heard the cliché “No one wants a Drill. What they want is a hole”. But really, who[...]
Are you coming on too strong?
To chase or not to chase, that is the question! As a young man trying to attract interest from the[...]
Why you shouldn’t answer the price question….
What do you do when a prospect calls you out of the blue and one of the first things[...]
The most dangerous number in your business…
I grew up watching Lost in Space. Just about every episode had Dr Smith getting up to no good and[...]
The circle of client acquisition
Who would have believed the Lion King is a great metaphor for business. Particularly the lyrics of the circle of[...]
Why you should NEVER send proposals UNLESS…
Have you ever sent a proposal only to never hear from the prospect ever again? Crickets. Your prospect ghosts you.[...]
Is your message jumbled?
I have a couple of questions for you. What do you know and is it what you are actually known[...]
Why camels are a great metaphor in business
Camels. I think they’re pretty ugly and they spit. But that aside they’re one of the most resilient creatures[...]
Hitting the ground running in Jan 2021
It's almost the end of the year. What you do now will set you up for a great 2021. You[...]
Do you stand out?
Look around you. Unless you have a completely unique product or service which is highly unlikely, you’ll have myriad competitors.[...]
Life is too short to…
As business owners, life is too short to work with people we don’t like, don’t appreciate the value we[...]
Moving from crisis to opportunity and choice…
Every crisis and period of disruption such as Covid-19 has seeds of opportunity within it. As a leader you can[...]
How the 80/20 rule will help you prospect more effectively
Commercially smart business owners understand the concept of leverage and the 80/20 rule. Concentrating 20% of your effort to give[...]
5 critical questions you must ask every prospect
In sales I’m sure you realise the importance of qualification. Whether a prospect has a need or not. Which starts[...]
How to warm up prospects
There are very few professional consultants who like cold calling. In fact, I’d say 99.9 percent hate it and would[...]
Tread your own path…
It’s an understatement to say we live in uncertain times. The pandemic has thrown a spanner in the works for[...]
The sales drama triangle
Are you familiar with the drama triangle? It’s a social model of human interaction developed by Stephen Karpman in 1968.[...]
Will you accept this challenge?
I have a direct challenge for you. I want you to raise your prices. And keep doing so until you[...]
Are you making these 2 common sales mistakes?
What do you do when a prospect expresses interest in your product or service? How do you handle the conversation? [...]
The power of positioning!
In business it's not who you know but who knows you. If you're well known as an expert in your[...]
Are you communicating at cross purposes?
Any salesperson worth their salt knows we all buy on emotion and justify with logic. From complex to completely[...]
A dumb business killing mistake!
There’s an old saying, It’s not what you know it’s who you know. However, I firmly believe in business it’s[...]
Why taking a piecemeal approach is dangerous
A big mistake we see is when businesses take a piecemeal, ad-hoc approach to client acquisition. Which means they struggle[...]
Do you have deep compassion for your prospects?
When coaching people in sales, we stress the axiom, “I don’t care how much you know until I know[...]
Are you falling into this consulting trap?
A trap many consultants fall into is trying to sell the big enchilada. Business transformation. Improving leadership or company culture[...]
“The best question you ever asked me…”
The Chinese symbol for crisis denotes both danger and opportunity. Both of which we’re experiencing with the pandemic. My[...]
When the going gets tough…
Agility, resilience, resourcefulness. The three hall marks of every successful person be it in business or life in general.[...]
How to delegate and get leverage…
As a leader do you ever find yourself saying any of this? Nobody can do it as well as I[...]
Are you outsourcing your thinking?
Are you outsourcing your thinking? Going with the flow. Letting others tell you what to think, how to act, who[...]
To call or not to call… that is the question
Should I call? Should I not call? Should I actively sell? Should I hang back? In the words of Henry[...]
Are you choosing fear or expansion?
Right now the world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket. Fear and uncertainty rules. Having said[...]
Do you empower people?
What sort of leader are you? My name’s Rashid Kotwal. Over 40 years I’ve come across a wide variety of[...]
Sleep with one eye open…
Fires, floods, now pestilence with Covid-19. We live in an age of disruption. So it’s not a case of if,[...]
Why your organisation’s culture matters…
Your organisation’s growing rapidly. How do you hire the right people? What should you be looking for? My name’s Rashid[...]
As a leader you job is to…
When working with business leaders, we emphasise that everything starts at the top with your leadership. Leadership ultimately is[...]
Do you need a checkup from the neck up?
In business as well as life in general, one of the greatest predictors of success is your mindset. Something understood[...]
Starting with the end in mind…
Does your business provide you with short, medium and long term income? My name’s Rashid Kotwal. When working with growth[...]
Are you charging enough?
Do you believe your clients buy on price? So you feel you have to keep your prices low to win[...]
Host/Beneficiary Relationships…
Imagine sending one email and getting over 2,000 targeted leads back within a day. People who’ve given you their full[...]
When do you quit following up?
How often do you contact a prospect before giving up? Once, twice, three times? And by not persisting are you[...]
Are you coming on too strong?
In business there’s ultimately no difference between making sales and starting a personal relationship. My name’s Rashid Kotwal. Let’s say[...]
Turn cold prospects into warm ones by….
2020 is upon us. I’m sure you have big plans. Lots of sales growth. But it’s one thing to set[...]
Why you should celebrate “no’s”
The late Ziz Ziglar was a consummate salesman who loved hearing the word “NO!”. That may sound ridiculous, so bear[...]
How are you keeping score?
Imagine playing a competitive game with no scoring mechanism. No way of determining a winner or loser. It’s an oxymoron[...]
A “Vision” without [this] is just a pipe dream!
According to Hebrew proverbs, Where there is no vision, the people perish. And as the Cheshire Cat said to Alice,[...]
Are you an eagle or a pigeon?
I’m sure you’ve heard the sayings, “Like attracts like”, “Birds of a feather flock together” and “As within, so without”.[...]
When you need clients fast!
Ever been in a tight spot with cash flow? Where you need clients fast? Here’s what you need to do.[...]
Opportunity dances with those…
Are you someone who needs all your ducks lined up before you take action? Everything to be perfect? The i’s[...]
A check up from the neck up!
In business, your success is in no small part a direct reflection of your mindset. In my experience, business owners[...]
Abundance or Scarcity mindset? Does it matter?
Do you have an abundance or scarcity mentality? In other words, do you believe there’s enough money to go around[...]
Do you have sales posture?
You’ve finally got that meeting with who you believe could be a good prospect. You turn up at the appointed[...]
A fundamental Start-Up mistake!
AI, block chain and Fin Tech start-ups appear to be sprouting up everywhere. Founded by someone who has what they[...]
What are your blind spots?
What do you do when confronted with a new idea or way of doing something? Do you immediately go, “It[...]
How to control your next sales conversation
Have you ever found yourself rambling in a sales meeting? Losing control of the conversation? So you find yourself going[...]
The myth of content marketing
Content marketing. It’s been all the rage for a few years. But has it brought the results you hoped for?[...]
Stop marketing – Do this instead!
If you’re a small business owner how much money and time do you spend on marketing? Trying to generate more[...]
How to win more deals
Sales. It’s such a loaded word for many coaches and consultants. They cringe at the thought of contacting strangers to[...]
Who’s your real competition?
Who’s your biggest sales competitor? It’s not whom you think. It’s the status quo. Doing nothing is the easiest thing[...]
Is “Selling” a loaded word for you?
Selling! It’s such a loaded word. And it’s surprising how many people hate the thought of doing it. Which is[...]
Prospects Lie. Get over it!
Over the years I’ve learned one thing about prospects. They lie! Generally not intentionally, but they lie all the same.[...]
Reaching out…
How often do you reach out to a prospect? Once? Twice? Three times? Even more? Would it surprise you to[...]
Why you shouldn’t send proposals
Have you ever had what seemed like a great sales conversation and had your prospect say, send me a proposal?[...]
The curse of perfectionism
Are you a perfectionist? Someone who wants everything to line up before you get out there. There’s a useful saying[...]
When should you fire a client?
Have you ever had a client you regretted taking on? Unfortunately it’s a scenario that many of us face at[...]
What’s your money thermostat?
Money! It’s such a loaded word for many of us. Especially when it comes to what we can earn and[...]
Why speech rate matters
Want to become a better communicator? Ensure you get your message through? The rate someone normally speaks at reflects the[...]
The only thing you can control in sales is…
A speaker in an innovation workshop kept humorously stating he was an overnight success after 15 years of hard slog. [...]
Grappling with a difficult problem? The answer might be right next door
Have you ever grappled with a difficult problem. Sat with it for days, weeks or even months getting more and[...]
How contactable are you?
How easy do you make it for prospects to contact you? How about referral sources? I'm constantly amazed at how[...]
Why are you in business? What’s your ultimate outcome?
Why did you get into business in the first place? What did you aspire to? If it was to eventually[...]
Have you got a clear 90 day plan?
Do you have a clear 12 month strategy and direction for your business? Have 90 day plans which outline exactly[...]
Which business model is right for you?
Are you a business owner? If so what business model are you using? Is it a practice, business or hybrid?[...]
How to get more high quality referrals
Would you like to get more high quality referrals? When coaching professional consultants looking to expand their reach we get[...]
Why getting client feedback is vital
As a business leader when was the last time you asked your clients for feedback on how you’re going? What[...]
Are these delusions costing you sales results?
Former US president George W. Bush is infamous for saying, “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame[...]
Getting leverage in your business
As a business leader where do you spend your time? Are you getting the best ROI for your efforts? Could[...]
On LinkedIn? Here’s my challenge to you…
Quick question for you. Do you have a lot of LinkedIn connections? Do you regularly add to them? If so,[...]
Are you a doorway or a doormat?
Having worked with leaders over two decades, we have proven time and time again that mindset is the first and[...]
Chasing opportunities? When less is more…
Opportunities. Some people see them everywhere. They try to grab each and run with them. There are times when it’s[...]
From hero to oblivion in 90 days!
90 days. It's all it takes to go from hero to oblivion in your customers' minds. Transcript 90 days.[...]
Mindset – the secret sauce underlying…
Do you have what it takes to be successful in business? Over the years we’ve worked with a multitude of[...]
The “IDS” decision making process
This is the final in our three part series on how to make good decisions and become a better leader.[...]
The 10 commandments of good decision making
I’m continuing the series on good decision making. In a previous video I covered why having a clear vision, core[...]
How to make better decisions as a leader!
All great leaders exhibit one common quality. The ability to make decisions. More often than not, without complete information they[...]
The paradox between marketing & sales
There’s a paradox between marketing and sales. In marketing, the credo is the more you tell the more you sell.[...]
Don’t make these Telemarketing Mistakes
If you’re anything like me you get a lot of unsolicited sales calls. Usually they make a number of common[...]
Want to grow as a leader? Ask this question…
All successful leaders embody a mindset of constant learning. The lessons we value most are things that we discover for[...]
This mistake cost them a multi-million dollar deal…
A client lost a multi-million dollar job because they didn’t take our advice. They’d bid for a job with a[...]
The “WWW” question you must ask as a leader
One of the greatest dangers we face is fossilisation of our minds. Believing that what used to work will continue[...]
The importance of evidence criteria in selling
When you pay for a job to be done, no matter what it is, how do you know it was[...]
Ditch the Power Point!
Congratulations, you’ve worked hard to get a meeting with a prospect who’s a senior decision maker. It’s the first time[...]
How to elicit what your prospects really want!
We buy on emotion and justify our decisions with logic. However, most people when asked what they’re looking for will[...]
Uncovering your prospect’s buying motivations
If you experience prospects who give you the run-a-round and keep making excuses you haven’t found out their intrinsic motivation[...]
Why you should never start a sales conversation with a pitch!
Over a 30 year sales career I’ve probably made every mistake in the book. The biggest one is starting a[...]
Why “your intent” in critical in sales
In a sales career spanning 30 years I have found the most important predictor of success is your intent going[...]
Selling? Don’t ignore this person!
When dealing with two or more people in a sales presentation ignore the "quiet ones" at your peril. Here's why...[...]
Stop “vomiting” on your prospects
Why is it that most salespeople automatically go into "pitch mode"? Insisting on telling us all about their wonderful product[...]
Why prospects smell desperation
We all know dogs can smell fear. What you may not realise is that people can as well. And we[...]
Why positive thinking doesn’t work… and what to do instead!
Henry Ford said, whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. All success or failure starts in[...]
Why ignoring personal agendas will cost you sales
Having had a corporate and business sales career spanning 30 years I’ve come to an inescapable conclusion. Something that if[...]
7 Traits all Successful People Embody
In almost two decades consulting to business owners I’ve come to realise all successful business owners and leaders exhibit certain[...]
How mistakes can lead to trust and loyalty
Mistakes. We all make them. But it’s what we then do that defines us. Especially when that involves our clients.[...]
Why “clever” and funny advertising often doesn’t work!
Are you a gambler? Would you roll the dice with a 3 million dollar stake hoping it’ll pay off in spades?[...]
Are you a Thinker or Jumper? And why it matters…
Are you someone who plans everything to the nth degree? Cautious in your approach, maybe averse to risk? You come[...]
When less is more – the curse of too much choice
Have you ever felt confused by too much choice? A café menu board with 50 variations of exotic sandwiches.[...]
Why you should just stop and think!
Are you a victim of the modern curse of always being "on"? Constantly checking your email, social media and text[...]
How to ensure your business thrives – long term!
It's difficult enough getting new clients, so how can you make sure they stay in the fold? Unless you have[...]
How we sabotage our success
Do you sabotage yourself? In life, work or business? Look, we all do it to some extent. Full of good[...]
Are you a commodity?
Are you a commodity? You may not reckon you are, but you market sure thinks so. Don’t believe me? Tell[...]
A harsh unpalatable truth!
Do you get out of the blue prospecting emails where the sender rabbits on about how wonderful they are and[...]
What selling really is all about….
Let’s talk about a common issue faced by many professional consultants. A fear of selling. Maybe even an absolute dislike[...]
How to cure “feast and famine” in your business
If you’re in business have you ever experienced the feast and famine so prevalent in small to medium sized businesses? [...]
The ultimate contributor to your success is….
Your business success or lack thereof is a direct reflection of your mindset. How expansive or closed you are. By[...]
How to match salespeople to the right role
If you employ people you know your number one risk is ending up with a person who doesn’t fit the[...]
How to “sell” a new concept
You know your new product is a game changer. But you can’t seem to get traction. How do you convince[...]
Why “executive rapport” matters in sales
Over 20 years I've coached hundreds of salespeople. Most could effectively deal prospects in their own peer level. But only[...]
Are you an adviser or pleaser?
Have you ever walked into a shop to just look around and ended up walking out with a rather expensive[...]
Are salespeople born or made? The answer may surprise you
What I’m going to say now may well surprise you. And your initial thought might be, that can’t be right.[...]
Want more referrals? Change your mindset
Have you ever been cheesed off because you gave a referral, they got the business, but you never heard back. [...]
How Referral Kits make it easier to generate referrals
I’m sure you’ve asked for referrals, maybe from clients, associates, even friends. hey say yes of course, but nothing happens.[...]
4 referral scenarios and how to deal with them…
There’s a big myth. That getting a referral means you just rock up and the sale is in the bag.[...]
Are you cultivating Referral Partners?
Ask any business owner and they’ll say referrals are the best source of new business. And they’re right. A good[...]
Choosing the right media
People often ask me how they can get their marketing message in front of the right prospects. Given the plethora[...]
What’s the one thing guaranteed to perk your immediate interest?
What’s the one thing guaranteed to perk your immediate interest? It’s hearing your name mentioned across a crowded room. Self-interest[...]
Why specialising is important…
Many years ago a mentor who’s an extremely wealthy businessman hammered a concept into me. You can be the Jack[...]
How to start a sales conversation with a high value prospect
Steven Covey popularised the phrase, start with the end in mind. Something that’s especially important when sitting down with a[...]
Confusing the Urgent and the Important
Over the years we’ve observed many small business owners, especially professional consultancy firms confuse the urgent and the important. So[...]
The availability trap
Do you drop everything when a prospect or client calls? Or do you have a business posture which says, "I[...]
How to avoid discounting your services (Video)
A client recently asked how to handle a price objection. Their prospect wanted a major discount which would have meant[...]
What business are you really in?
Would you like to double your revenue and profit within one year or less? In this video series we'll cover[...]