Could Your Business Survive Without You?

Transform Your Business Into a Thriving asset

Is your business a wealth creating vehicle?

Ultimately you're in business to create wealth and leave a legacy down the track.

There are 2 ways to create wealth in business. The first is to generate cash along the way. Cash you invest externally to build assets and personal wealth.

The second is to eventually sell it for a large pay day.

As a business strategist and mentor we're passionate about helping business leaders to do both.

Working together we help you:

ACHIEVE STABILITY: Everything starts with SALES! Focusing on effective Marketing & Sales systems we help you achieve a stable base where you have consistent cash flow and a solid foundation for growth.

CONSOLIDATE: Focusing on leadership. You spend the majority of your time working on the business. Most importantly, you pay yourself first, building your asset base.

EXPAND: Expanding your market share or entering new ones. However, remember not to get caught up in growth for growth's sake. A solidly profitable business which generates cash is a goal unto itself.

ASSET: You’ve built up enough personal wealth to have financial choices. You may continue to run the business or sell. You’re now beyond your business.

LEGACY: What’s yours going to be?

As Business Strategists & Advisors...

Our expertise and experience helps leadership teams improve effectiveness and efficiency to use their resources to greater effect. Which creates leverage and allows you to scale, therefore sustainably growing your organisation.

We work on you and your leadership team’s vision, mindset and strategy. Developing short, medium and longer term plans. Fostering a workplace culture where people want to belong and give of their best.

In addition, by implementing our proven prospecting, marketing and sales systems you’ll bring in high quality B2B clients.

What do you need help with?

  • Improving sales performance
  • Increasing market share and/or pivoting into new markets
  • Implementing an effective leadership culture
  • Managing risk in uncertain times and minimising the risk of disruption
  • Structuring your company for future growth
  • Developing your business into a saleable asset

We’re Rashid Kotwal and Barbara Sauter

Most innovation comes from outside your own industry or sphere!

Our 20 years working in senior corporate management and sales positions in Australia and Europe combined with over two decades running our own consultancy enables us to bring a body of knowledge and experience to your table.

Since 2000, we’ve coached and mentored business owners in over 50 industries wanting scale their operations to increase revenue and profit.

Industries we’ve covered include professional services, manufacturing, IT and construction.

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