Mistakes. We all make them. But it’s what we then do that defines us. Especially when that involves our clients.
Mistakes. We all make them. But it’s what we then do that defines us. Especially when that involves our clients.
I recently got this email from a reader of our newsletter. And I have the writer’s permission to share it…
“Interesting article this month on getting appointments with hard to get people!
Following reading this, wouldn’t it be great if we could make the following statement, something like: Our commitment to each and every customer:
“Do we get things 100% right all the time? Well, to be frank, no we don’t. But you know what, we’ve been in business for over 40 years and we haven’t been there this long without knowing the problems in advance that are likely to happen on your job when you’re installing your shed and we have a team here who are willing and waiting to help you!
And if we do make a mistake ourselves, whatever that may be, we’ll fix it! Guaranteed!”
All of which highlights a very important point.
Our clients judge us by our service not just by when things are going well, but how we respond when you’ve stuffed up.
Over the years we’ve conducted a lot interviews on behalf of our clients to find out where they’re doing well and where they’re not doing so well in the eyes of their clients.
And the one thing that stands out above all is that people have long memories. They’ll remember something that went wrong, even if it was years in the past and even if you fixed it. They remember how you responded and whether you took responsibility or not and how you made them feel.
Your clients will develop an even greater level of trust and loyalty if something went wrong and you fixed it and you looked after them.
So next time something goes wrong, even if it’s not your fault, ask yourself how you could respond in a way that increases trust and loyalty.
And if you’d like help finding out what your clients really think of you we do provide that form of service give me a call.
Till next time, this is Rashid Kotwal.