We buy on emotion and justify our decisions with logic.

However, most people when asked what they’re looking for will give you a superficial, logical answer. Your job is peel back the layers till you get to what achieving their desires will give them emotionally. Let’s call it their ultimate emotional outcome.

Once you have these and link them back to your solution as the mechanism for achieving them you’ve moved from trying to persuade someone to having them want to buy.

Here’s how we recommend you do this.  (Full transcript below)


This is Rashid Kotwal.

Having coached hundreds of consultants who sell everything from their own services to high ticket products, I’ve observed most make a fundamental mistake when selling.

They detail how their product or service works rather than focusing on the ultimate outcomes their clients get.

Put another way, they talk about features and to some extent benefits.  But generally stop short.

Let me explain.

Ultimately you sell your prospect a brighter future. You do not sell them your services, program or process.  They are looking for what’s in it for them.  Outcomes they really want but don’t know how to get.

Most people when asked what they’re looking for will give you a superficial answer.  Your job is peel back the layers till you get to what achieving their desires will give them emotionally.  Let’s call it their ultimate emotional outcome.

Once you have these and link them back to your solution as the mechanism for achieving them you’ve moved from trying to persuade someone to having them want to buy.

Here’s how we recommend you do this.

Draw a list of ten bullet points down a piece of paper.

Then ask them to give you up to ten things they’d love to get once the problem they’re facing are resolved.

The first few will come easily.  They may start to struggle after five or six.  Push for as many as you can.

Ask them to rank these in relative order.  You’re looking for the top two to three.

For each of them ask.

“Why is that important?”

“What would having that really mean to you?”

Once you’ve culled the list drill down into the remainder.

“If you achieved that outcome what would you do next?”

But don’t stop at the first answer.  For each answer ask why that’s important.  You’re looking for an emotional response which is the real reason we buy.

For example they want to make more money.  Why?  Because they want to give their children the best start in life.  So what’s important about that?  Well, their parents struggled all their lives and couldn’t help them and they don’t want to be in the same position with their own kids.

What would helping their kids do?  Give them enormous emotional satisfaction knowing they’d their best for their kids.

You get the idea.

Now link this emotion back to your solution.

So if I can help you make the money so you can do the best for your kids how would you feel?

Presumably they’re going to say great.

So your next point is, if we can do that do we have a deal?

You’ll either get a yes or a no.

If it’s a yes, great.  You’ve got conceptual agreement which means you can now move forward into more specifics about how your solution works.

Now obviously there’s far more to the process than this quick introduction.  We go into tremendous depth, drill and skill in our sales training and coaching programs.  If you’d like to join one, contact me at RevealedResources.com.

Till then, this is Rashid Kotwal.  Happy selling.

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