In business, your success is in no small part a direct reflection of your mindset.

In my experience, business owners come in two flavours.

People who have abundance thinking.  Where they’re willing to take calculated risks, spending money to grow their businesses.

Others have a scarcity mindset, refuse to invest in their businesses and stunt their growth as a result.  Watch the rest or read the transcript below:


In business, your success is in no small part a direct reflection of your mindset.

My name’s Rashid Kotwal.

In my experience, business owners come in two flavours.

People who have abundance thinking.  Where they’re willing to take calculated risks, spending money to grow their businesses.

Others have a scarcity mindset, refuse to invest in their businesses and stunt their growth as a result.

Now to be clear, I’m not suggesting you take wanton risks.  Far from it.  But unless you’re willing to invest, growth will be slow if non-existent.

In business our mantra is as within, so without.  Your business is a direct reflection of you and your mindset.

You must be willing to spend money first on yourself and your own personal development.  Then on your business in the form of research and development, marketing and sales.  And finally your people where you hire better than yourself.

Our clients recognise this.  They know they have to develop first.  Become leaders as well as managers.  Have the wherewithal to strategize, plan and then implement.  Bring on the right people who support business growth.

Become strong, compassionate leaders who develop their people, devolve responsibility and authority, freeing themselves up to working on their businesses rather than constantly in them.

It all starts with a decision.

Be willing to step out, get advice and pay for it.

As a mentor of ours is fond of saying, pay once, cry once and get it done.

You can fiddle around the edges, trying to do everything yourself.  But that’s often false economy.

And frankly, it’s far cheaper in the long run to learn from other people’s mistakes rather than making mistakes yourself.

So get a mentor and coach.  Whether it’s me or someone else.

Pay them.  Have it hurt your pocket.  Because that’s when you’ll actually take their advice and implement.

Till next time, this is Rashid Kotwal.

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