I’m sure you’ve heard the sayings, “Like attracts like”, “Birds of a feather flock together” and “As within, so without”.

Your business is a direct reflection of who you are.  And that will determine your level of success.

In life and as a direct reflection in business, you can be an eagle or a pigeon.


I’m sure you’ve heard the sayings, “Like attracts like”, “Birds of a feather flock together” and “As within, so without”.

Your business is a direct reflection of who you are.  And that will determine your level of success.

My name’s Rashid Kotwal.

In life and as a direct reflection in business, you can be an eagle or a pigeon.

Over 20 years coaching and mentoring business leaders we’ve noticed common traits exhibited by eagle leaders.  How many of these can you wholeheartedly say yes to?

You take full 100% responsibility for your own life and your results?  Carry what’s yours and don’t look to blame others, gripe or moan?

You implement.  Cross the bridge right in front of you while not worrying about the next one and the one after that until you get there.

Courage is acting in spite of fear.  You don’t wait for the fear to go away as you know it won’t.  You act anyway.

You trust your gut feelings.  If you feel you should take a course of action, you will while using your conscious mind to mitigate risk not avoid it altogether.

And  as the leader set the tone for your business.  People watch what you do, not what you say.

You need to lead from the front.

Remember, the fish rots from the head.  And as you’re the leader, you’re the head!

So if your business isn’t at the level you’d like it to be ask yourself what could be going wrong.

It’s tempting to blame your team.  Maybe even those unappreciative, demanding clients.  But look at yourself first.  How many of these traits do you show?  What are your own weaknesses?  How do they play out and how could you change who you are?

Remember, people watch and emulate what you do, not what you say.  So if you want things to improve, start with yourself.

Have the courage and confidence to confront reality.

What would you as an eagle do right now that a pigeon wouldn’t?

Then do it.  Even if it scares you and there’s no guarantee of success.

Wrapping up, realise that even eagles sometimes need a push.

Over the decades we’ve worked with business leaders to personally develop themselves, their teams and ultimately their businesses.

If this resonates with you and you feel you could benefit from our experience and knowledge and help, give me a call.

Till next time, this is Rashid Kotwal.

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