Congratulations, you’ve worked hard to get a meeting with a prospect who’s a senior decision maker.

It’s the first time you’re meeting and you’re eager to showcase your wares.  So you walk in armed to the teeth with laptop or tablet, brochures and even product samples.

If that’s you, I’m about to give you the best sales advice you’re ever going to get.



This is Rashid Kotwal.

Congratulations, you’ve worked hard to get a meeting with a prospect who’s a senior decision maker.

It’s the first time you’re meeting and you’re eager to showcase your wares.  So you walk in armed to the teeth with laptop or tablet, brochures and even product samples.

If that’s you, I’m about to give you the best sales advice you’re ever going to get.

Right now they don’t care about you.  They don’t care about your product.

So ditch the power point.  Leave your laptop, product brochures and samples in your car.

Become a naked salesperson.  Walk into the meeting with nothing but a pad and pencil.

Your only job is to focus on your prospect.  Become a buying facilitator by finding out if they’ve got a problem they really want to solve and what they want instead.

And the only way you can accomplish this is to ask probing questions.

The better you get at helping your prospects articulate and really feel the weight of their issues both for their organisation and themselves personally, the more likely they are to buy into your solution.

Remember, no problem, no sale.

And for those of you tempted to prematurely answer the “What do you do?” question, moving into pitch mode, bite your tongue until it bleeds. 

There is a time and place to articulate your solution.  This isn’t it.  Pitch and you open yourself up to your prospect shutting you down with a not interested as they think they know exactly what they need.  And they don’t.

You’ve been warned!

Agree?  Disagree?  Leave your comments below and if you’ve found this valuable, please share this with your colleagues and friends.

Before I sign off, if you want an edge selling significantly more to high value corporate clients, call me.  We’ll work together to hone your skill set and dramatically cut your sales cycle time.

Contact details are on our site

Till next time, this is Rashid Kotwal. 

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