If you experience prospects who give you the run-a-round and keep making excuses you haven’t found out their intrinsic motivation for taking action.
Let’s look at what’s happening.
I’m Rashid Kotwal.
If you experience prospects who give you the run-a-round and keep making excuses you haven’t found out their intrinsic motivation for taking action.
Let’s look at what’s happening.
We’re all motivated by either moving away from pain, a situation we don’t want, or moving towards a positive outcome, pleasure.
Statistically though we’re twice as motivated to take action moving away from pain.
Which is why it’s critical you help your prospects articulate and really emotionally feel the pain their current circumstances are causing them and only then focus on the outcomes they want instead.
In this video I’ll show you how to uncover the pain.
These are broad brush questions we recommend you use.
First get the big rocks onto the table and set the frame.
“What’s are the biggest issues you’re facing right now that if you solved would give you the greatest return on time, money and effort expended?”
Now drill down.
“Tell me a little bit about what’s going on with whatever they bring up”
“Interesting. Can you tell me more about that? What’s the impact of this problem?”
“That’s interesting – can you tell me how long this has been going on?”
Your goal is to keep digging. Remember, unless the pain is great enough they won’t take action.
“So really… this has been going on for how long?”
“Do you mind if I ask you how much not solving this has cost you?”
Many people can’t directly answer this in money terms. You ask this because you want to highlight to them what its cost them emotionally. How do they feel not having achieved, made the money they wanted etc.
“What kind of aggravation has this whole thing caused you?”
“How are you feeling about not solving this?”
“What steps have you taken to try and fix it?”
You want them to acknowledge that they haven’t been able to fix the issue. And that’s why they’re talking to you!
“Do you mind if I ask you what would happen if you don’t fix the problem?”
“Imagine its six months from now, a year from now, and nothing has changed. What are the implications?”
“What’s at stake for you to lose or gain?”
Realise, your enemy is status quo. If they’re happy with where they’re at, or the cost of taking action is greater than the cost of staying where they are, they won’t buy.
So the better you get at bringing their pain to the surface where they acknowledge and most importantly deeply feel it, the faster they’re likely to take action.
Now, what do they want instead? What’s their ideal outcome? And how important is it for them to achieve it?
Remember, what you’re selling is the bridge between where they are and where they want to get to.
We’ll cover how to best elicit your prospect’s ideal outcomes in the next videos in this series. So look out for them.
Till then, this is Rashid Kotwal. Happy selling!