The Chinese symbol for crisis denotes both danger and opportunity.  Both of which we’re experiencing with the pandemic.

My name’s Rashid Kotwal.

Over the last few weeks I’ve spoken to lots of business owners.  Some of whom are really struggling where sales have completely dried up.

But there are others where sales are booming.  They’re having their best months ever.

I don’t know which camp you fall into.  Or maybe you’re somewhere in the middle.

Regardless, I’d encourage you to ponder these questions.

What are the positives for both you personally and your business from the whole Covid-19 experience?

Are there positive things you’ve been forced to do?  Improve your bottom line by reducing costs?  Find new ways to deliver?  Realign your expertise to add more value to your existing as well as different market segments?

Where have you had to become more efficient?  To leverage your current resources to increase your profits without increasing your costs?

What will post Covid-19 look like?

While I don’t want to bandy around words like the “new normal”, the fact is there will be changes to the way we work and live.

So what do you need to put into place NOW to give yourself the best chance of success further down the track?

Will your business and delivery model still stack up?  What do you need to consider?

A client recently told me the best question I ever asked him was “What do you think is impossible now that if it wasn’t would change everything?”

It led him to a major breakthrough.

So what would answering this question lead for you?

Let me know in the comments below.

And finally, if you’d like to brainstorm strategies and explore how you could sustainably grow your business and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, we can jump on the phone for a quick call.  Message me and we’ll get started.

Till next time, this is Rashid Kotwal.


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