Do you have an abundance or scarcity mentality?  In other words, do you believe there’s enough money to go around or do you believe that you can only get something at the expense of someone else?  What effect does either belief have on your success?


Question for you.  Do you have an abundance or scarcity mentality?  In other words, do you believe there’s enough money to go around or do you believe that you can only get something at the expense of someone else?

My name’s Rashid Kotwal.

A great example of scarcity is network groups which only allow one of any type of business.  So there’s no competition between members.

On one level I can understand why, but the reality is you’re not going to refer to someone in the group unless you know, like and absolutely trust they’ll deliver.

The other issue is closed thinking.  Even if we’re in the same industry, we can learn from each other.  What’s working and what isn’t.  Sure, we’re targeting the same market, but one client may not like you and prefer to work with your competitor.  So what!

Speaking with someone who runs round tables for industrial companies, I asked if they have competitors in the room.  Sure thing.  Not only are there direct competitors but as they all know each other, they invite each other to their firms to exchange ideas.

None of us knows it all and the rising tide raises all ships.

Which is why we strongly urge every business leader and senior executive to be part of a mastermind or round table.

A mastermind round table we run attracts mid sized businesses who consistently tell us how valuable the interaction between owners is.  How much they’ve learned and most importantly, implemented, resulting in streamlined operations and growth.

So if I could leave you with one thing.  Get out of a scarcity mentality and develop an abundance and growth mindset.

And finally, if you’re in Sydney and would like information on the masterminds and round tables we run, give me a hoy at

Till next time, this is Rashid Kotwal.

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