Do you have what it takes to be successful in business?

Over the years we’ve worked with a multitude of business leaders.  Some of whom have really stood out and grown significant businesses, while others have plodded along.  Which got me thinking.  What made the difference?

Here are our observations based on 18 years working with leaders.

Click the video to watch (full transcript below)


Do you have what it takes to be successful in business?

I’m Rashid Kotwal.

Over the years we’ve worked with a multitude of business leaders.  Some of whom have really stood out and grown significant businesses, while others have plodded along.  Which got me thinking.  What made the difference?

Here are our observations based on 18 years working with leaders.

Every successful leader shared these common characteristics.

They’re ambitious and have a vision for what they want to achieve.  Wanting to grow they’re willing to back themselves financially.  They take calculated risks knowing that not everything will go to plan.

They’re resilient, take responsibility for their actions and are externally accountable.  In other words they honour their commitments.

They are lifelong learners who strive for improvement.  They know they don’t have all the answers and are willing to get external help.

Above all, they implement.

If you relate but are grappling with issues around mindset and leadership, strategy, marketing and sales that are slowing down your growth, reach out to us.  I know we’ll be able to help you achieve significant growth.

Till next time, this is Rashid Kotwal.

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