There’s a paradox between marketing and sales.

In marketing, the credo is the more you tell the more you sell.

The opposite is true in selling.


This is Rashid Kotwal.

There’s a paradox between marketing and sales.

In marketing, the credo is the more you tell the more you sell.

The opposite is true in selling.

Marketing’s role is to help you position yourself as the trusted authority and attract qualified prospects through a process of education.

Hence the more you explain how your product or service solves their issues and how it’s unique, the better.

However, when selling, there is no sale without a buyer.

It’s your job to facilitate the process in which a prospect can uncover for themselves their own needs.

You do this by asking questions which help them clarify in their own minds they have issues they want to solve and what they want instead.

So your job in sales is to probe and listen rather than talk.  And here the more you tell, the less you sell.

Now don’t get me wrong, there is a time to explain how your solution works, but that only happens later in the sales process.

Agree?  Disagree?  Leave your comments below and if you’ve found this valuable, please share this with your colleagues and friends.

Before I sign off, if you want an edge selling significantly more to high value clients, call me.  We’ll work together to hone your skill set and dramatically cut your sales cycle time.

Contact details are on our site

Till next time, this is Rashid Kotwal.

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