What if you won $100M?
I’ve been thinking, “What would I do if I’d won the Powerball $100 million jackpot”? Yes, the odds are like being stuck twice by lightening in your lifetime. But heck, 2 people [...]
I’ve been thinking, “What would I do if I’d won the Powerball $100 million jackpot”? Yes, the odds are like being stuck twice by lightening in your lifetime. But heck, 2 people [...]
I've been thinking a lot about motivation lately, particularly when it comes to playing to win or playing not to lose. Think about any sport with qualification rounds. There's a noticeable difference [...]
I’m fascinated watching the uptake of AI language models. They’re a profound paradigm shift in how we approach work. Like any new frontier, there will be those who thrive and others who [...]
Success comes from preparation and practice. Be it in leadership or sales performance. There’s an old joke about the famous concert soloist lost on his way to Carnegie Hall. He asks a [...]
The new year is rapidly looming. What will it bring? None of us can predict the future. But we can learn from history. Now is a great time to sit back and [...]
Do you find it difficult to estimate how long a job will take? Put a finger in the air? Then find it expands to the available time you’ve estimated? This happens to [...]
Do you find it difficult to estimate how long a job will take? Put a finger in the air? Then find it expands to the available time you’ve estimated? This happens to [...]
I was a teenager when I first read Dale Carnegie’s “How to win friends and influence people”. It evoked a lifelong curiosity about what makes people tick and how to deal with [...]
There’s a huge difference between theory and implementation. Especially when it comes to dealing with people. Moving into sales roles, I read tons of books. Went to courses. Studied persuasion techniques and [...]
Business posture means you have a firm unshakable belief that you provide real value and deserve to be respected by your clients. Positioning involves being seen as a credible authority in your [...]
We’re moving house. There’s a defined date – stuff has to be packed and ready to move. Which brings up an interesting topic – deadlines. I’ve been mulling over why we take [...]
I’ve just started swimming again. Or should I say, attempting to . The last time I was in a pool was decades ago. I’ve always had trouble breathing so getting [...]
What happens when you get challenged? As a leader not everyone will agree with you. How you respond is critical. Do you get defensive? Feel resistance? Push back? Or do you encourage [...]
Elon Musk’s SpaceX Starship rocket exploded. Maybe not quite the result they’d want. What’s enlightening is their reframe. The SpaceX engineers class the mission a success. They test early and often. They’re [...]
Decisions, decisions, decisions. How comfortable are you making them? Especially the hard ones. Ones where you may not know the outcome. I’ve been reflecting on my own decision-making process. Under what circumstances [...]
Thought this quote from James Clear is very apt in today’s world. "When you need to learn quickly, learn from others. When you need to learn deeply, learn from experience." To this [...]
We’re all taught to play to our strengths. However, a strength overdone often becomes a weakness. Take empathy. In sales, empathy is extolled as a strength. “Get into your clients’ shoes” “Understand [...]
Given a binary choice – be liked or respected, which would you choose? Could choosing one over the other enhance or hinder your professional results – both from a leadership or sales [...]
Recently attending a Mahler concert highlighted an important leadership lesson about courage and confidence. Let me set the scene. We were at the newly refurbished concert hall at the Sydney Opera House. [...]
Right now a lot of businesses are facing challenges. High inflation, high interest rates. Difficulty finding people resources. Buyers avoiding making decisions. A lot of these things are out of our control. [...]
I'm a big fan of Star Trek. Both the original and Next Gen series. What strikes me in both are the leadership lessons from both captains, Kirk and Picard. Lessons which apply [...]
There's an old saying, "If it's to be, it's up to me". It's applicable in business and life generally. Right now Federal Reserves are putting up interest rates. The media talks about [...]
Who’s driving your bus? I’ve been thinking about self leadership. What it takes to succeed in business. To be both emotionally and financially rewarded for the risks we take. In transactional analysis, [...]
I'd like to talk about the relationship between security opportunity and prosperity and the chasm of possibilities this opens up.
When do you give up? Could success be just 5 minutes away? The next phone call? What's your level of grit, determination and resilience? My thanks to Greg Woodley for reminding me of this [...]
If you own a business, when was the last time you stopped and asked yourself, “Why?” Why you’re in business. What your end goal is? How close to achieving you are? Most [...]
Would you buy your own product or service at full price? Are you absolutely convinced in your heart of hearts that it delivers the value you claim? If not, why would anyone [...]
Agility, resilience, resourcefulness. Courage, confidence and conviction. Are all attributes which I believe have a direct correlation with success in life. Agility means you rapidly respond to opportunities and adapt to different [...]
Vigilance, diligence, agility and vulnerability. As a business leader, what do these words conjure up for you emotionally? For many of us the last couple of years have been anything but stable. [...]
How often do you review why you're in business? Why you got started in the first place? If you're like many of us, you may well have fallen into business at some [...]
I’m Rashid Kotwal. In almost two decades consulting to business owners I’ve come to realise all successful business owners and leaders exhibit certain traits that lead them to success. Now [...]
There’s only one commodity you can’t get more of – time! You can always make more money – but you can never get wasted time back. So spend your time wisely. Start [...]
One of the biggest impediments to sales success is buying into the “tall poppy” story. Where we either don’t believe in our own value or just underplay it thinking we’ll come across [...]
Status and recognition is a fundamental human driver. As Napoleon Bonaparte put it eloquently, “Recognition, babies cry for it, grown men die for it”. Status and recognition is often a major [...]
The biggest trap we face as consultants is getting subsumed by delivery. Yes, delivery is why we get paid, but unless you’re constantly out there selling, at some point there’ll be no [...]
It's almost the end of the year. What you do now will set you up for a great 2021. You either relax and take a break after all your hard [...]
I love this quote from the late Zig Ziglar. “Your attitude not your aptitude will determine your altitude in life.” This is especially true in tough times like we’re facing [...]
In conversations with business owners in the time of Covid-19 I’ve been struck by two completely different attitudes. Some said “Woe is me. It’s really difficult and I’ve lost most of my [...]
As business owners, life is too short to work with people we don’t like, don’t appreciate the value we provide and are just painful to deal with. One of [...]
Every crisis and period of disruption such as Covid-19 has seeds of opportunity within it. As a leader you can either curl up or you can double down and figure [...]