Every Friday we’ll be sending you a bite sized practical tip designed to help you grow your business.
This week…
What are you measuring?
There’s an old saying, “What gets measured gets done”.
Last week we asked “Who you gonna call?” and suggested you list at least 5 people you can speak to every week. People who could either become clients or could refer you on. Preferably a mix of both.
However there’s often a big gap between intent and action. Think New Year’s resolutions.
One way to ensure you’re keeping on track is to keep a running tally. Preferably on paper – right in front of you. As you make each call, mark it down.
On that note, here’s a link to a simple tally sheet you can use.
I challenge you to print it out and fill it in as you go. Then at the end of the week you’ll know if you’ve been honest to yourself or not.
Rashid & Barbara
P.S. You can copy or download the sheet if you’d prefer an electronic copy you can fill in as you go.
P.P.S. Thanks to Stephen Kaltenhauser for creating the original.