Simon Sinek popularised the importance of knowing your “Why”.
This is especially important when you’re in business. Because when times get tough, as they inevitably do, it’s crucial to know what’s driving you, so you stay motivated and on track.
But knowing your “why” isn’t enough. You also need to be clear on what your expertise is, what problems you solve and who you’d love to work with.
One of our mentors, Linda Hutchins in NZ posed some excellent questions along these lines.
Here are some of them.
When you envision your future ask yourself…
- What is me at my best? How do I show up in the world?
- What is my thought leadership? Am I a creator or just a consumer and purveyor of other people’s ideas.
- What is my business at its best? What are the brand values I demonstrate? What is my reputation in my marketplace? When someone hears about me, my business and my people, what are the first words that come to mind?
- What am I known for? What are my areas of expertise?
- And if you’re a consultant/coach/thought leader, why would someone listen to me? What value do we bring to the table?
Moving onto your clients…
Life is too short to work with people we don’t like, don’t appreciate the value we provide and are just painful to deal with.
- Who would you love to work with. Both now and into the future? Describe them in detail. Hint: Think in terms of their values and beliefs. How they interact with the world. One of my personal markers is how someone deals with lower down in their social sphere. Their cleaners, restaurant staff etc. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly and with respect.
- How do you want to work with your clients? What is it you’ll be doing?
And finally, your own personal journey.
- What do you want from your business? Is it more money, time, status or lifestyle?
- Who are you becoming as you go through life and business. Who do you want to become?
- What will your legacy be?
Wrapping up, I strongly recommend you taking time out to think about these questions. Write down your answers. And then at least once a year revisit them. See what’s the same and what you want to change.