It would be an understatement to say that the world’s in turmoil. So when confronted with a situation there are different ways we can deal with it.
We can apply expansive or contractive thinking.
Expansive thinkers chunk up looking at the broader picture and are more likely to be lateral thinkers which is really useful when looking at other opportunities.
Contractive thinkers tend to see the problems and risk digging themselves deeper into a hole and not finding their way out. Potentially ending up in a depressive state.
And yes, given that many of you are battening down the hatches, worried about survival, it’s understandable that thinking may have narrowed.
But is this useful?
No matter what the environment, there are always businesses that do well and grow.
So now is a really good time to take stock of where you add value to your clients.
Why do they buy from you? What makes you special in their eyes? Are there additional products or services you could provide? Could you split off a product or service making it easier to deliver?
Think laterally.
Once you’ve come up with a list, call your clients, both past and present and have a conversation with them. This is not to overtly sell. It’s to connect. Find out from them what they value about you. You may be surprised at what they come up with.
Now this serves two purposes.
One is it reaffirms your value in your client’s minds.
Arguably though, more importantly, it helps you distil your own value.
Because when working with clients we emphasise the first sale is always to yourself.
Embodying your own value allows you to confidently sell. You can put up your prices. Attract better quality clients. Look for new markets who would benefit.
Our model encapsulates this thinking.
Start with your own expertise. What you bring to the table. What problems can you solve? What value do you add to your clients?
Now think laterally. Who else (markets) could benefit from your expertise and experience?
Is your business model still appropriate or does it need to be tweaked?
For example, if physical delivery isn’t possible, how could you move your delivery online?
A client of ours who delivers leadership coaching to schools very successfully split off a major component – student feedback as a separate product.
Right now alcohol distillers making gin can make hand sanitiser.
The expertise is in distilling spirits. Where else could your expertise be used?
Is there a subset of your expertise that would be useful in another market?
Where else could this be applicable and who else could use your current expertise.
Barbara and I eat our own dog food.
We’ve analysed every major client we’ve worked with over the last 20 years and looked at what we did for them, the value we added and the outcomes they got.
While we have a long list, we distilled this down to.
Working strategically on the business, so clients have a clear sense of direction. Helping them define and articulate their own value which builds their own self esteem. They’ve become commercially smarter, comfortably and regularly raising prices while getting higher quality clients.
Leadership development has played a major part, building effective teams, teaching them to prioritise, delegate, have accountability and set KPIs.
What it all comes down to is our ability to challenge thinking, being strategic and lateral where 2 and 2 can equal 5. And as well as our ability to connect people and resources.
All of which leads to our clients consistently growing, with the ability to weather the storms that crop up.
Wrapping up, if you’d like our help distilling your own value, communicating more effectively with your target market and growing regardless of the environment we find ourselves in, give me a hoy.
We’ll work out a plan of action and guide you along the path.
Carpe diem – seize the day.