All sales start on the basis of dissatisfaction. Your prospects are unhappy with something and want something else. Be it in health, finance, relationships or career.
Put another way, they’re on Island A and want to get to Island B. But don’t know the best way to accomplish this.
Your job as a consultant is to create value by bridging this gap for your clients. How? By becoming an expert and crafting an offer and methodology that gets them from current to desired situation.
Given this, there are 3 reasons people will engage you.
- They are unable to get there on their own. They don’t have the skills, knowledge or experience to accomplish what they want to achieve by themselves.
- They want to get there faster. Sure they could spend years learning your craft, but don’t have the time, aptitude or inclination to do so.
- They want a proven system and guidance from experts who’ve actually done it.
This is true regardless of whatever market you’re targeting.
There’s nothing to say we couldn’t exercise on our own. How hard can it be to do some push-ups and sit-ups and walk/run at a reasonable pace. Yet we go to fitness classes and engage personal trainers.
Investment advisors help reduce our risks and maximise our returns. Could we do it ourselves? Absolutely. Would we be as successful without spending years on the ground learning? Probably not.
Now here’s the caveat.
Many of you have a wide range of skills and experience. You could help a lot of different types of people.
But in our experience, that is a big mistake as it dilutes your focus.
You can’t be everything to everyone. It’s hard to be the best at a range of things, but it’s surprisingly easy to be the best at one.
Focus on one segment of your market where you really dig deep and understand your prospects. Their pains and fears, hopes and desires.
Remember, specialists always garner more respect and earn more money. Doesn’t matter if you’re a heart surgeon or financial advisor who specialises in wealth management.
The big money in consulting is when you become the trusted authority in your niche. You need to define your area of expertise and be recognised within it.
As a trusted advisor, people come to you instead of you chasing them.
Generalists are no longer competition for you and you get to pick and choose who you want to work with at the price you want.
Having said all this, let me be clear. There’s a huge difference in the theory above and putting it into practice.
Our proven 4 Pillars mentoring program will significantly improve your results.
You’ll refine your market, better communicate your message and better position you as the trusted authority in your niche.
Coupled with our comprehensive sales system, you’ll convert more prospects into high value clients.
Give Rashid a call on 0414 913 334 for a confidential discussion.