Pixel Perfect Pro Lab Case Study
From Professional Photographers to Professional Print Lab Owners
5 of Australia’s most highly awarded professional photographers weren’t happy with the quality of digital prints they received from print shops. So they decided to open their own… Pixel Perfect Labs.
They invested heavily in equipment and colour management (printing accurate colours) and charged top end prices.
But for years they struggled trying to convince prospects to buy. Photographers simply did not understand why they should come to Pixel when they could go down the road for a far cheaper price.
The Situation as we found it:
- Pixel were a technically highly sophisticated professional photographic lab with state of the art equipment.
- Had a very well thought through and thorough workflow which ensured quality prints.
- Employed highly technical personnel could help photographers get better results.
- Believed that technology would solve any business problem!
- Had a lack of empathy towards their clients. Their business processes were not customer centric. They wanted things done their way or the highway. Understandably this irritated a lot of clients.
- Lacked sales and marketing skills. Thinking that superior technology would bring a rush of clients to their door. Nothing could be further from the truth.
- They did not explain their competitive advantage. Pixel used highly technical “colour management principles” to achieve results. However most professional photographers didn’t understand the value so were unwilling to pay for it. As a result, Pixel were caught in the price battle and had to discount heavily to keep the market share.
What we did...
- Enabled a Mindset shift. Pixel realised they needed to become customer focused. That technology alone did not sell products.
- Created collateral which explained exactly why Colour Management was critical to getting an outstanding result, what processes the lab went through, how they helped the photographer provide better raw material etc. Photographers now knew why they were paying a premium and were happy to do so.
- Risk Reversal. We introduced a 110% money back colour guarantee. If a photographer was unhappy with the print they’d get 110% money back. Pixel really fought us on this one. But to this day 16 years later they have NEVER had someone ask for their money back. And that guarantee brought in a slew of new clients.
- Sales Training and Dealing with People. The staff at Pixel were all technical. We helped them deal with people more effectively so that their clients enjoyed working with them.
The Results?
Pixel became one of the premier professional photographic labs in Australia. Most of their competitors have gone to the wall while Pixel still continues to grow strongly.
You brought about a sea change in the company’s thinking!
Rashid has consulted to Pixel Perfect for over a year and brought about a sea change in the company’s thinking. The positive effects continue to flow many years later. If you are considering working with Rashid in any capacity you can be assured of a 110% effort coupled with integrity & ethics. In other words, you just can’t lose!
Managing Director, Pixel Perfect ProLab, Australia