There’s an old story which says if every person on the planet threw all our problems into one central heap and could then choose anyone else’s problems instead of our own, we’d still figure out we were better off with our own ones.

The late Malcolm Fraser popularised the quote, “Life is not meant to be easy”.

But it stops short.

The real quote comes from George Bernard Shaw, “Life is not meant to be easy, my child; but take courage: it can be delightful.”

Meet Sam Berns.

Diagnosed with Progeria, a rare, rapid aging disease, at the age of 2, Sam gave an inspirational TED talk on his philosophy for a happy life.

It’s only 13 minutes long and I strongly suggest you join the other 13,750,999 (and counting) people who’ve watched this.

Then ask yourself, what’s your excuse? What’s stopping you from achieving your dreams?


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