I was speaking with a business owner recently, and I brought up the issue of client dissatisfaction, and how would he even know it was happening now.

He said, look, if there was an issue, they’d let him know, but what if they didn’t?

See most of us don’t like confrontation, so we tend to swallow our anger or complain to our friends rather than bring up the issue directly with in this case, the supplier.

And over time, we’re likely to get resentful and then possibly silently walk away.

Now I’m not saying this is going to happen to you, but I did some research into why clients leave.

Now these results are from PwC, Microsoft, Accenture, HubSpot and Forrester, and it goes along these lines.

68% of people believe the company doesn’t care about them.

58% leave due to poor customer service.

44% lead leave due to a lack of engagement, and some 32% due to a product or service quality issue.

And finally, 44% because of a lack of effective communication, especially when things go wrong.

So given this, I strongly recommend getting on the front foot, and that’s what I said to him.

I said, contact key clients and validate. Are you doing what they really value? Are you sure? Are there areas for improvement. Are there new services you could be delivering?

And okay, and I put in a shameless plug. I said, pay me to do so.

Why? Because most of us may feel embarrassed to tell the truth, for fear of hurting the feelings or that the recipient will get defensive. We’ve all been there.

Having a third party ask the questions people will often open up and tell someone like me what’s really happening. And I also have the ability to probe and listen to what’s not being said, which is equally important, and to tease it out.

So given the biblical saying, The truth shall set you free. It’s better to know than not know, so give me a call and I’ll discuss options and how I can interview your clients, both past and present, and give you recommendations on how you could improve, if necessary, your service.

You can contact me on 0414 913 334.


P.S. You may be thinking your clients will call you if there’s a problem. And most may. This service is mainly about unearthing opportunities for growth. Use it that way.

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