Swiss couple Christian & Yvonne import, manufacture and mature Swiss Cheese in Queensland.
Barbara and I have been clients for a number of years. Their cheese is excellent – but that’s not why I’m writing this.
Christian writes a really great newsletter promoting his products.
This one in particular is a wonderful example – it’s engaging, gets you involved and offers a great prize for doing so.
So I’ve included it below.
Tell me if you agree.
Dear Barbara,
Well, if you are enjoying one of our farm made fondues (like we do on the photo!), I am sure you hear the music…
But I am actually thinking of a different music. Believe it or not, but a lot of processes in our cheeses business are accompanied by some type of music. How else would I be able to motivate my older boys to help out, smearing cheese in the maturation room, or cutting cheese into portions.
In 3 different locations, we currently listen to 3 totally different music types.
Be the FIRST one to GUESS RIGHT what we are listening to, and we will send 1 kg Fondue moitie moitie (or Appenzell if you prefer) to the winner!
When making local cheese in the factory we want the cheese cultures to dance so it influences the longterm flavour of the cheese…
A) ACDC – heavy metal
B) Bob Marley – Reggae
C) Andrea Boccelli – Opera
When smearing tons of cheese in the maturation room, we need something energizing and listen to…
1) Zucchero Sugar Fornaciari – Italian Pop
2) Maceo Parker – Funk Overload
3) Hilltop Hoods – Australian Hip Hop
When we finally cut up some delicious cheese to make a creamy fondue, we often get into fondue mood when listening to…
X) Best of Mozart – Classic
Y) Elton John – Pop
Z) James Last – Easy listening
And last but not least, we sit down and enjoy some creamy cheese on some crusty bread with
*) Kapelle Alder – traditional music from Appenzell
#) Buendner Spitzbuaba – traditional music from Grison
@) Awesome music selection – by our kids
Guess what we are listening to, if you are the FIRST one to send the right choices to, we will send you a FREE delicious fondue of your choice.
Please note, we are currently selling EXTRA MILD Raclette, which means this cheese is still VERY young and VERY mild. IT melts like a dream, but flavour-wise it could still add a bit of age…
As soon as the maturation gets to the right stage, we will be offering Mild My Love, Piccolo and Swiss Mountain cheese again soon!
Kind regards
Christian @ FROMART