Date: Wednesday 21st February 2024
Time: 8:25am - 10am AEDT
Location: Zoom
I'd like to invite you to our Leaders' Round Table - a Mastermind for SME business leaders.
Why attend?
Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich described the power of Mastermind groups. “…No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind”.
Business leadership can be a lonely space. None of us have all the answers. And it's often difficult to know who to turn to. Someone who understands what it's like to run a successful organisation.
Which is why interacting with fellow business leaders who can notice what you may not have and point out opportunities could be the difference that makes a difference.
The Leaders' Table provides the space for you to work “on”your business to build it into a wealth creating vehicle. Part of our agenda is networking - these sessions have resulted in several cross referral sand even direct business for attendees.
One first time attendee got a major referral resulting insignificant business.
Would love to see you there 🙂