You probably know squirrels hide hundreds of nuts over the summer so they have enough food in the lean months.
But did you also know they do this because they can’t find half the hiding places later, so this gives them an insurance policy!
There are two parallels with growing your business.
One is you have to prepare constantly for the lean times by having an effective marketing system which brings in leads via multiple channels.
And you have to do this before you need it!
Which brings me to the silly season and a quote from American poet William Arthur Ward.
“Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing”
Coming up into December/January you have a choice.
You can do what everyone else does and goof off.
Or you can prepare and plant the seeds for a bumper year in 2015.
As a successful business owner friend put it recently, “Christmas is a great time to take time out, think and plan for 2015 without the daily distractions of staff, customers and all the other stuff I need to do”.
Now is the time to plan your marketing and sales strategy for next year. Figure out your blue ocean markets. Work on your offers. And hit the ground running in 2015.
Remember, the early bird catches the worm. Being ahead of the pack is the best way to ensure your success.
Barbara and I will be thinking, planning and helping our enlightened clients who realise this is the best time to set themselves up for more success in 2015 and beyond.
As such we’re offering a very limited number of 2 hour strategic consulting spots over December/January. We’ll look at your business, work on your target market, marketing message and sales message refinement.
We’ll do it over Skype, so it doesn’t matter where you are.
And yes, I guarantee we’ll help move you forward or your money back.
Interested in knowing more? Drop me a line at or call (02) 9499-7958.