There are only 5 keys to success in business.
- You must have a clear problem you solve for a specific market
- Your market must know you exist.
- They must believe you can deliver what you promise.
- Back this up with social proof.
- Have a clear offer that cuts through.
Sounds simple when it’s put this way, doesn’t it.
Trouble is most professionals overcomplicate things.
You tell our market you can solve multiple problems and get lots of outcomes. But this just confuses your prospects who don’t know what you stand for. And a confused mind doesn’t buy!
So pick one major problem you solve and the result you achieve and make all your messaging revolve around this. Yes, you can broaden the scope of your engagement once they’re a client – but start with one thing.
If your market doesn’t know you even exist, how could they possibly engage you? You must have a proven method to get your name in front of likely buyers.
Our clients use combinations of organic reach – educational content marketing, social media, paid advertising and partnership relationships.
Having said that, pick one major method and perfect it.
You must differentiate yourself. Develop your reputation which positions you as an expert in your niche. You do this through what you publish. Be it books, articles, videos or interviews.
Use social proof. If I tell you I’m great, you’ll think I have tickets on myself. If someone else says I’m great you’ll likely believe them.
Develop case studies and testimonials from happy clients singing your praises.
And finally, have a clear offer that cuts through, simply explaining the results you get.
Remember, simplicity leads to clarity. Make it easy for your prospects to understand what you offer, the results you achieve, so they want to buy.
Wrapping up, we’re running a series of free Zoom sessions for professional services consulting firms who sell high value services and dislike pushy selling tactics.
We’re running the next one today Wednesday 24th June @ 10am to 11am.